Prof. J . S . Batra

Learn CA Inter from the Expert himself. Here is a Lifetime chance for all of you to learn CA Intermediate/EIS-SM from the most experienced, appreciated and loved faculty professor J S Batra , having 33 years of teaching & 66 CA exam attempts experience. He had taught more than 2 lakh students over a period of time and produced more than 200 All India ranks and almost 20,000 chartered accountants have been taught by him are working in India and abroad & The legacy continues. He is a Brand himself.


We value the bright future of our students the most which aims us to provide them with quality education, which inspires them into aiming to forge their own future as a professional of their own intrests, encouraging them to being their betterselves.


We aim to be a premier institution providing the best education with a high degree of Commitment, Competence, Consistency and Integrity.


To impart high quality education to the students in order to prepare them excel in examinations and build a sound professional career.

Prof J S Batra